The play “The Laramie Project,” which centers on the tragic story of Matthew Shepard, has faced an unexpected postponement. The Phoenix Union High School District made...
A house party in Phoenix turned violent when a shooting occurred, resulting in a young adult being hospitalized with critical injuries. According to the Phoenix Police...
The National Weather Service in Flagstaff has issued warnings for potential snow in parts of northern Arizona this weekend, particularly affecting Grand Canyon Village, Supai, and...
The flag football playoffs in Arizona have officially begun, marking the start of the second-ever postseason for this exciting sport. The first round has concluded, revealing...
Phoenix police are investigating a stabbing incident that left a teenage boy critically injured early Saturday morning in Ahwatukee. Authorities received reports of the stabbing near...
The high school football playoffs kicked off on Friday in Arizona, encompassing the state’s major conferences—4A, 5A, and 6A. The excitement continues as fans gear up...
The playoffs have officially commenced in Arizona’s major high school football conferences, including 4A, 5A, and 6A. This year’s competition promises excitement as the Open Division...
PHOENIX — The high school football playoffs kicked off on Friday, marking an exciting moment in Arizona’s big-school conferences (4A, 5A, and 6A). As part of...
TEMPE, Ariz. — The Chargers football team has found strength in memory and unity this season, channeling both as they embrace the challenges ahead. The tragic...
On November 6, a 9.5-foot oarfish was found washed ashore in Encinitas, marking the second sighting of the year in San Diego County. Alison Laferriere, a...