Linda McMahon has been named as President-Elect Donald Trump’s nominee for education secretary, following a series of appointments within his transition team. Previously, McMahon served as...
Pima Community College is set to undergo significant changes as two incumbent board members were ousted in recent elections. In District 5, Karla Morales, currently vice...
Roosevelt School District is considering the closure of five schools as it grapples with a nearly $5 million deficit. A gathering of concerned parents heard from...
AUSTIN, Texas — On Tuesday, the Texas Board of Education moved forward with a controversial curriculum that integrates biblical teachings for students in kindergarten through fifth...
By Staff Reporter | The Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) announced its decision to discontinue using X, citing a lack of a “family-friendly” environment as the...
WALDORF, Md. — A shocking incident involving a 7-year-old boy at C. Paul Barnhart Elementary has left his family seeking answers after their child was hospitalized...
Maricopa, Arizona – The final vote count from Pinal County for the November 5 general election reveals significant outcomes for the Maricopa Unified School District. The...
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) at Central Arizona College (CAC) is making strides in supporting students and the local community through various initiatives. The Alpha Theta Delta...
By Staff Reporter | In response to the escalating drug crisis affecting school-aged children, Arizona schools are set to receive a substantial supply of Narcan anti-overdose...
By Staff Reporter | A recent ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has determined that the federal government unlawfully denied Grand Canyon University’s (GCU)...