How Lake Havasu City Council Candidates Strategically Deployed Campaign Funds

The primaries are around the corner, and last week, candidates for the Lake Havasu City Council submitted their final campaign finance reports.
According to state law, candidates receiving or spending $500 or more must form a candidate committee and report all campaign finances. Three reports are required prior to the primary election: quarter one, quarter two, and a pre-primary report.
This year, six out of seven candidates aiming for the three available seats submitted their reports. Teri Kay Parcells did not submit any reports. Here is a breakdown of the financial activities of the candidates:
Riegler reported collecting $4,517.98, with $3,417.98 sourced from personal funds. Expenditures totaled $4,086.05, with funds spent at Printing Plus, KPPV KQNA Radio, and Lowe’s among other vendors. Riegler ended the period with $431.93 in remaining funds.
Diaz, who reported the highest earnings, collected $16,166.86 and retained $3,115.76. Most of his expenses, amounting to $13,051.12, went to Printing Plus, Foxx Media, Radio Central, and River City Newspapers.
Braden accumulated $6,510, with $4,325 being personal funds. Expenditures included payments to Vista Print, River City Newspapers, PMC Corporation, and Havasu Hardware. At the end of the period, Braden had $187.95 left after additional spending on advertisements and postage.
Incumbent Moses received $5,755.58 in donations and spent $2,700 on social media and ads with Living Magazine and 32 Bravo. Moses reported $3,055.58 as remaining funds.
Another incumbent, Campbell, raised $10,239.63 through donations, personal funds, and goods or services payments. Campbell spent $8,526.24 on various advertising efforts and had $1,713.39 left over.
Dzuro reported earning $3,661.69 and spent $3,561.07 on campaign materials and a meet and greet at a restaurant. Dzuro concluded the reporting period with $100.62 remaining.