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Homestead Author Unveils Answers to Your Burning Questions in Exciting New Book



David Iversen, Reporter

Homestead resident Kevin Dees is set to release his book, “What’s Wrong With You,” a personal guide addressing men’s mental health based on his own struggles. He embarked on this journey to silence the negative self-talk that plagued him for years.

“I wrestled with anxiety and depression and all the challenges that come along with that,” Dees shared. His experience led him to search for effective solutions rather than succumb to his feelings.

Dees’s initial encounter with mental health care involved a prescription for antidepressants, a common starting point for many. In “What’s Wrong With You: A Cure for Anxiety, Depression, and ‘Mental Illness,’” he recounts his quest to find healthier alternatives to manage his emotional pain.

His explorations included diverse therapies, from hyperbaric oxygen treatments to psychedelic guided therapy. “I went on this journey because I was trying to figure out why I was debilitated by so much anxiety,” he said, reflecting on his relentless search for answers.

Despite growing up in a stable environment, Dees found himself questioning the roots of his anxiety. Through engagement with various support groups, he began to uncover insights that he shares in his upcoming book.

This self-published work does not present itself as a universal remedy. Instead, it offers an intimate look at what helped and hindered his recovery. “It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. I’m not offering the answer to everyone,” he explained, emphasizing that for him, the solutions are spiritual in nature.

Dees describes the process of addressing depression as not being straightforward. He advocates for small, incremental changes, which led him to journal his experiences. This journaling became the foundation of his new book.

“I still journal. I use a scale of one through ten to monitor my mental wellbeing,” he noted, illustrating his method for self-assessment.

To illustrate his mental health journey, he shared an example: “If five is normal — where we want to be — the depressed person finds themself at a two. The best thing you can do might be taking a warm shower and see if that gets you to a 2.1.”

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 21 million Americans, about 8.3% of the population, reported at least one major depressive episode last year. The statistics suggest a higher prevalence among adult women, as noted by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.

Dees relocated to Maricopa in 2014. He juggles fatherhood with a career as a contractor and writing. Over several years, he crafted this book from his home office on Thornberry Lane, inspired by his journey to mental well-being. He attributes the establishment of his local flooring business, Maricopa Home Flooring, to his experiences with mental health.

“What’s Wrong With You” is scheduled for release on February 28 and will be available in print and as an e-book on Amazon.