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Grant Boosts Innovative Resource Program for Enhanced Support



Grant supports resource program

The Foundation for Senior Living (FSL) has received a significant boost in its mission to support aging Arizonans. The Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust has awarded FSL a $200,000 grant aimed at funding their new initiative: Resources, Information, Support and Education (RISE) Services. This program is designed to provide a vital entry point for seniors in Arizona to access essential resources during emergencies and prepare for their needs.

The grant will be allocated over a two-year period, specifically for staffing and program management. A full-time manager will oversee RISE Services, facilitating staff training, managing external resources, and supervising Community Care Advocates. These advocates are crucial as they address client needs, develop care plans, and offer referrals, guiding seniors through various support options.

In addition to staffing, the funding will enhance technological capabilities, including the acquisition of new case management software. This improvement aims to streamline and integrate care for all clients. Furthermore, the Friendly Callers program will benefit from the grant, which nurtures connections between volunteers and clients through regular 15–20-minute phone calls, promoting social interaction and potentially connecting clients to additional services.

Currently, FSL is in search of volunteers for the Friendly Callers program. Community members interested in making a difference can explore this opportunity to help enhance the well-being of seniors in their area.

For more information on RISE Services, visit