Camp Verde Town Council
Campaign Season Heats Up as Rhetoric Soars Near Primary

We are at the height of election season, with candidates from all levels of government making their pitches to voters. Our newspaper has intensively covered the 34 candidates running for municipal seats in Sedona, Cottonwood, Camp Verde, and Clarkdale. We have provided question-and-answer interviews to aid voters in their decisions, starting from early voting on July 3 and leading up to election day on July 30.
The front page features stories of two mayoral candidates and four Sedona City Council candidates vying for three open seats. A similar dynamic unfolds in Cottonwood, with two mayoral candidates and eight city council candidates competing for three seats.
The interactions between journalists and candidates can be unpredictable. While many candidates appreciate the opportunity to communicate directly with voters through our pages, a small minority remain critical of our past coverage when it doesn’t align with their views.
Such contradictions are noticeable when candidates criticize us on social media, yet rely on our extensive reach to engage voters. Despite differing opinions, our role is to provide balanced coverage, presenting candidates’ stances for the public to consider.
We do not take any of this campaigning personally. With 34 candidates running across four cities, we focus on delivering unbiased news. The ongoing elections in Camp Verde involve two mayoral candidates and ten town council candidates competing for three seats, and in Clarkdale, two mayoral candidates and four town council candidates are in the fray for two positions.
It’s common for candidates to both resent and appreciate media scrutiny based on the nature of the coverage. Our job is to present a truthful account of their actions. Success in politics often requires engaging both allies and critics effectively. Friction with media is symptomatic of broader challenges these candidates might face.
Investigative journalism is a critical part of our mission. We do not pursue personal vendettas; we respond to community concerns. By gathering documents, interviews, and multiple perspectives, we present a comprehensive view of the facts, allowing the public and policymakers to take informed actions.
In situations where parties involved may be viewed negatively, we strive to include their viewpoints. Ignoring a reporter’s inquiry leaves a narrative incomplete. Transparency and honesty are crucial when engaging with the press, as public perception hinges on the information we provide.
Our duty is to provide the public with the necessary information to navigate their civic responsibilities. Communities are complex, and our role is to navigate and report on these intricacies. Newspapers and media outlets endure beyond political cycles, continuing to inform the public about the multifaceted nature of their communities.
Christopher Fox Graham
Managing Editor