Arizona’s Medicaid agency, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), has launched a groundbreaking initiative aimed at providing crucial support for homeless individuals grappling with...
In Arizona, a significant movement is underway aimed at restoring reproductive rights through the Arizona Abortion Access Act. This initiative, backed by healthcare professionals, is framed...
In a notable ruling, Judge Roslyn Silver, appointed by President Bill Clinton, found Arizona prison officials in violation of inmates’ rights due to inadequate healthcare. The...
A Gilbert second grader is recovering from a rattlesnake bite after a harrowing 30-hour wait for treatment. The incident, involving 7-year-old Allie Brasfield, has raised concerns...
Arizona’s leading Republican lawmakers have allied with Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador, along with officials from 20 other U.S. states, to challenge the American Academy of...
WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats faced a setback Tuesday when their resolution aimed at clarifying abortion access in emergency medical situations was blocked by Republicans. This action...
Seniors in Arizona play a significant role in elections, wielding considerable influence over outcomes. As the 2024 election approaches, candidates must prioritize issues that resonate with...
Arizona’s Attorney General Kris Mayes has stated that candidates for public office can allocate campaign funds for child care expenses while campaigning. This legal opinion, issued...
Arizona candidates running for public office can now allocate campaign funds for child care costs, thanks to a recent legal opinion from Attorney General Kris Mayes....
BOSTON (AP) — As the Senate committee investigates the Steward Health Care bankruptcy, it has announced plans to adopt two significant resolutions next week targeting CEO...