The Rogue Theatre has launched its 20th season with a bold production of Thornton Wilder’s “The Skin of Our Teeth,” a play that challenges time-honored theatrical...
Madison Highland Prep students (left to right) Omar Arriaga, Julitza Arriaga, Isaac Hernandez, Leonard Webster III spent their summer getting hands-on experience in the healthcare field...
In Celebration of Carefree’s 40th Anniversary From September 30 to October 6, the Carefree Restaurant Association (CRA) will host its Fall Restaurant Week, marking a significant...
The Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Division of Boating Safety is currently investigating an incident that occurred Tuesday afternoon near Lake Havasu, resulting in injuries to two...
GLENDALE, Ariz. — Una abonada de los Arizona Cardinals, con más de tres décadas de asistencia a sus juegos, expresa su descontento tras ser obligada a...
WASHINGTON – March For Our Lives, an organization established by survivors of the 2018 Parkland school shooting, has officially endorsed Democratic candidates in two critical Arizona...
As the November elections draw near, Republican candidates are unleashing significant financial resources to amplify anti-immigrant sentiments. An analysis reveals that over $37 million was spent...
The Arizona Republican Party recently withdrew a lawsuit it filed against state and Maricopa County officials. The lawsuit claimed that officials had improperly tested voting machines...
In a disturbing federal trial in Phoenix, defense attorneys focused on questioning the credibility of a witness who claims to have observed two men, LaDell Bistline...
By Matthew Holloway | In an important hearing held on Wednesday, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Frank Moscowitz examined the viability of Prop 140, an initiative...